Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2015

Dragons Touch II - Flying Shadow Series

It took me quite some time to find a name I like, and a theme. After I finished the Wombat Dreaming - the Catamaran scheme I painted for Jasp, I thought it is actually a nice idea. Tho he is from down under, it is something like his national art.

I thought bam thats it, but how to put it for me? I am from Germany, and germanic tribes moved, got mixed up and never really were much into arts .. more into fight and war.

After some research, I decided, to go with a very common theme, dragons, but with lots of celtic knots, everything painted with chalk-technique, tho I just needed a few colors, and could build them up nicely. Plus this way, even if it was a lot of work, one can see every single brush streak. I am very proud of myself with this one, and I a quite happy that my dear Jaspar is a tiny bit jealous, because he thinks, the Dragons Touch II looks actually better than the Wombat Dreaming II.

On the pics you can see us, on the first official tour, just around Fastnet Rock and back. Next thing on my list, matching WetSuits XD .. yeehaw!

Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2015

Flying Shadow Series - Wombat Dreaming II

My dear friend Jaspar asked me to paint his Flying Shadow in the same colour-scheme like I did his Nacra17. Caused by a sore thumb on my right hand it took me a bit longer, but today I was finally in the right place, to finish it.

I am so happy that its done, and that Jasp obviously likes it. Yay!

Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2015

Flying Shadow ... fun together and alone

I already wrote about the Flying Shadow, but I have to write again. Hera a close friend of me loves catamarans, and she was already so in love with the Nacra, that I decided to take her for a spin in the new Flying Shadow. I usually don't post so many pictures of my boats before they got their unique paint job, but I couldn't resist. This one is awesome. You actually feel the rhythm of the waves, the water spray, the wind.

And Hera told me, that the copilot feels it too, the way the wind gets into the sails... its amazing.

Samstag, 10. Oktober 2015

Rainbow Cruise #158 or ..

.. how Jaspar shows he is secretly a genius!

This weekends cruise was special. It was kind of all in one. Fast, long, a boot motor usage and almost no tacking. You say its impossible? That's what we thought, but Jaspar has proven us all wrong. And he made it, the perfect cruise for lazy bugs like us rainbow sailors.

I decided to grab my newly refurbished Shields Class Sailboat - the Dakota - and take this one on. We had a huge fleet this time, and a really fun cruise, even with some minor or major issues... because sometimes it doesn't matter if lag or not.. some people crash soe don't, some fall from first place back to the last.. and others catch up pass by and lead the field again.

But we have no race, we have just a bit friendly competition, while the fleet stood close together, all the way through. And I even saw the harbor of the Blake Pearl. I am a bit frightened, that now that I found it, they may visit me, and start bombing, raiding and pillaging Hay Harbor!

Thank you J for this awesome cruise! For all pics of the cruise, hit it here!

Madpea - Peatonville Asylum ...

... or how Dr. Quron Death found an unsuspected victim...

It always starts harmless they say. It just looks frightening they say. If you see someone obviously insane, smile at them.. they say. You know what.. screw them, if it looks odd - RUN - like you have never done before in your life. Or you might end up, like this humble blogger. Stabbed.. twice .. blinded.. electrocuted... tortured.. and.. with a candy cane in your left eyeball.

How it all started? Well... it began ... very harmless... with the someone who pointed my interest onto a special relic, a stone. But not just a common rock, a soulstone. After some research I found out, that I might be able to find one at the Peatonville Asylum. Oh yah great idea, me a humble sailor, walks into an abandoned asylum just two weeks before all hallows eve... Samhain or simply Halloween. What could possibly go wrong?

You my dear reader know.. if someone asks what possibly could go wrong, the simple answer is EVERYTHING! And that was just what happened. I jumped on the next ferry to Peatonville Island and had.. the time of my life! well or the last... time of my life.. I am not quite sure how to put it. On the fairy I ate something that was calles Zombie Fried Chicken. Yah sure it's october, its halloween time.. its prolly just spicy chicken... but later.. just minutes after I arrived at the island... everything turned blurry. I remember someone smiling at me, talking wear things.. and everything went black but one thing, still roams through my brain. Screams! painful horrible screams... and while I was thinking, what poor fella could be in such pain.. I recognized my own voice...

When I opened my eyes, I was on my knees, looking up to a steel door. the chains of it lay in the grass, grass that was supposed to tickle my skin, but there was no tickle, no roughness just.. cold... a cold that dripped through my veins like thick sirup, reaching every last piece of my so-called body. There was no pain anymore.. I still remember the screams... but no pain.. there was no pain... but ice, that crawled along my skin, pale skin that once was golden and warm. What had happened to me?

A nice man leaned down, and helped me on my bare feet. Standing upright was wear, it felt like needles on my skin and cotton around my head. He smiled at me, he didn't talk but stared, interested and smiling. he remembered me of a proud owner of a puppy that learned a new trick. And so it began....

The Peatonville Asylum - a Madpea production, made me scream, squeak and squirm big times, all over my evening. The story is simple, something horrible happened at an asylum, it's all about a rock, and if you are a Gold Pea you have to find the ghosts of all of the victims, followed by a gridwide hunt for the shards of a soulstone.

Some shards are easy to find, others just don't. A special, happy moment was Dutch Harbor again, what Analyse Dean did for this Madpea, awesome, it deserves a look, even for no Pea-ers. Seven hours caught this game my breath, but probably because I was so distracted by frightening other players, with my more than gruesome looks. All in one, this game tops again, and is worth your money and time!

If you wanna see all picture of the Madpea - Run, just click here!

Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2015

Sometimes it takes a blog...

... sometimes even two.. and the bloggers of course.

No that gorgeous redhead in the picture is not me, but my Boss 225 - the Chariot. Today I met someone special for me, because we know each other for some weeks now, we exchange fan mail on Tumblr, and follow each other. Not long ago I realised, that she just lives, and I quote "a few sims and two crashes away.. on a bad day".

Today we finally met, I drove over to her place, to collect her for a cup of coffee at my place. It was really nice, and you know what, I got invited to a wedding. I already feel like the woman from 27 Dresses, but  I am not a bride's maid this time, but a humble guest, who can show off a great dress, and have some fun.

I will say congratulations this way again, because it's always amazing if you meet someone who has found their true love, we all know how hard that is, especially in Second Life.

Tho thank you Rita, for those lovely hours, and I am looking forward to see your place as well. I'll bring the cookies. And too all the other blogger out there, who play SL .. give me a holler, and we will see, which adventure we will have.

Sonnet CXVI

-by William Shakespeare
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O, no! it is an ever-fixed mark,
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

Montag, 5. Oktober 2015

Interesting turns...

Yesterday was  more than just a "what shall we do day!" but more of an "let's see the news at Dutch Harbor, and snoop around a bit"-day. It was the best decision we made in a long time! If someone things, that Analyse and Dutch are out of ideas or lazy, they are SO wrong!

The first discovery was the water lock that finally is ready to use. I thought month ago, dang is she building a water lock there and hell yes! They did it, and its amazing. The sounds the sensation. Sure the linden water doesn't has the ability to rise but heck.. it's a working water lock! Here at Dutch Harbor, I am so in love with it, I could keep writing about it all the time, but it's not what I wanted to ramble about.

No, it's the Mary Celeste ... and that girl stole my heart! Is she big.. of course, does she have a belly.. heck yeah.. but no one has ever seen so lovely ropes! The first thing we did after walking all over those amazing planks and snooping it all out, was .. Jasp and I having our Titanic-Moment!

Now lets talk about the ship. There was a main cabin, and a second one with 6 bunks down up front in the hull. it has a moon-pool and several hatches. TWO!!! masts and so beautifully closed sails, like if she is sleeping and just waiting for the perfect crew! And of course, It's another Analyse Dean - Miracle Child!

You may think, ok.. that was Analyse, but she mentioned Dutch earlier as well. You are right, I did, and I am not promising too much, when I tell you about the latest Darling in his fleet. Just two days to go, and this beauty will be up for sale.

The "Flying Shadow" a foiling catamaran, another RL-rebuild here in SL .. the original is the "Flying Phantom" and just watching this video gives me goosebumps all over. And now we will have that adventure finally in here too! I am in LOVE!

Tho people, get your wetsuits out, put some helmets on and PFDs and lets FLY sailing!

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015

As the leaves are falling ...

Like little drops, of red and yellow,are you my friends, the fairies who call the autumnal falling. The time of rain, of storms. The time of snuggling in front of the warmth. I don't want to imagine a fall, without someone to hold on to.

My fall this year is great so far, and like someone, keeps warming my heart, in his.. very own special way, the warm colors of the fall, wrap the world in a cozy blanket, to get ready for the long sleep of winter.

Today, I spent a lot of time with preparing my home. I got rid of all the summerly fresh things, and went for warm reds and yellows, to make the autumnal feeling complete. The only thing I could miss now, is a partner by my side, but I think that's just a formality.

To get out of my four walls, I took a tiny cruise, to Eagle Mountain. One of the new tenants there, approached me earlier today, about how impressed he was with my place and landscaping. We kept talking for a while, and he told me, where he lives, and.. it was near by. Another reason why you gotta love the Sailors Cove. You meet new friends, by just sitting at home, and all of them, have the same interests, and often similar opinions about land design.

A week ago, we all got the message, that autumn spreads its wings, over the Cove, and I don't know what I thought might happen, but what I saw today, was just amazing. I really felt the cold air burning my cheeks, the raw fall wind, brushing my hair, like a steamy lover, and the waves, spraying my not water proof clothes. I am writing this, while I sit in front of my fireplace, holding a big mug of cocoa, while a fall storm is roaming around the Isle.

If you feel bored... and if you don't know what to do, put on some warm clothes, and visit us in Sailors Town, rez a boat, and roam around. My last words for today, are part of an initiative on Flickr. "Mainland Matters!"

Samstag, 3. Oktober 2015

Slow, Steady and yet Fast...

.. teamwork at it's best!

Today was an almost ordinary Saturday in good old SecondLife. I got up, checked the Cruise, and was happy to see, what I can use my IF for once. We had a nice, small cruise, with slow wind settings around the Sailors Cove, and guess what, nothing out of the ordinary happened.

You may think now, nothing did happen? Heck why should I keep on reading?! Let me tell you why, cuz you like reading, you enjoy sailing, and probably you love pictures of it, or just simply all together. This cruise was great even for beginners, no active zickzack tacking, but some tacking had been there ...

The most important part of this cruise was, that Jasp and I was able to team up again, for real this time, and not just on paper. I had a surgery in RL, and needed to take a slight break from Second Life, blogging and all this, so this is me being back, and just enjoying my time. And spending it with one of the most important persons of my SL, makes it even more worthy of a blog post.

It was a bit foggy today, and cloudy, but the wind was amazing, 15 knots from northwest, and Jaspar and I were in a really good mood, sailing together.

Freitag, 2. Oktober 2015

Mommy I saw a pirate ship!

At the wooden boat fair, at Tradewinds Yachtclub, there is shown one hell of a new boat. Three masts, a ton of canons. It is just gorgeous! I am no pirate, but I am looking forward to see this beauty roaming the Blake Sea!

Another great and sweet newcomer, is the Peaton, by Analyse Dean.

15th annual Home and Garden ExPo - with ME!

So imagine what happened, last minute, my busines partner Hera Greek and I were invited to the annual Home and Garden ExPo. We had 6 weeks f...