So we started with a bit delay at the TrYC further north. A very nice route, with sweet wind from the south, making things a lot easier. It was very pleasant that it turned early that day, after all the eastern land-wind.
The west-Nautilus passage is at some points really narrow, but if the Ushuaia can make it, it was no problem at all with the SweetPeas. Jasp knew the way, and thanks to the USB and a very good route, we made it in a pretty nice time.
We left the narrow waters, to more open water, big channels up north, and the scenery got better and better. If you think the Blake Sea is nice, you want to see these areas! Almost no “Mainland” to see, just very nice coastal areas. Perfect spot to start a journey into this part of the world would be the Gateway Marina. We saw islands, castles and so much more, it was mind blowing. Marty and I were both amazed by this area, and also were Jaspar and Jeff. We stayed in contact using the RainbowSails YC – Synapse (it's a radio).
After a very long tour, we finally arrived at Fungbulf. Even though it is a bit hidden, is is a wonderful place. Jeff invited us for some Mimosas and we enjoyed some time together after we tuck up and in the boats nicely behind one another. The perfect place for spending some days of vacation, before we take on the next leg.
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