Freitag, 29. April 2016

アジアハウス - Ajia hausu

I thought a while about what I could write, or do, to not show you always the same things. Me on a boat, me on a plane... dahdahdah

So this time, I let my dear sister Dakota take me to the Asia House. A very exclusive and delighting "brothel" in an asia style. I fell in love with it right away, so I decided, to write about it. This is me, writing your beloved blog.

But just showing you pictures of a nice place isn't really me right? It took me a while, but I found for you very great music, to get along with, and even better it is from one of my favorite artists >World Order<.

Hana mo chiri
hito mo miyako e
kaeri na ba
yama sabishiku ya
naramu tosu ramu

With the cherry blooms
scattered and the viewers
back home in Kyoto
will mountain loneliness come again?
Ah, I see that it has returned.

This place has it all. Asian food, asian looks and beds, small houses for a small price to rent. Great landscape, and an awesome atmosphere. If you just want to hang out, listen to life acts, or enjoy the place. Photo shoots, snuggling, everything one can and wants to imagine.

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